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Journal of South Pacific Law |
A great deal of attention has been focused recently on the troubles of the
South Pacific region. Most analyses of the security threats
faced by the region
have included examinations of state failure, and the impact this has on
individual countries and their neighbours.
Phrases such as the “arc of
instability” are now being used to describe the region that was once
considered not only
a peaceful part of the world, but also a fine example of
democratic governance.[1] However, despite the problems faced by some Pacific
Island nations, little has been achieved in terms of security cooperation,
notwithstanding the accomplishments of regional organisations
in dealing with
economic and development issues. One of the greatest criticisms of these
organisations in this respect is the lack
of institutionalised arrangements to
facilitate security cooperation and action.[2] It is therefore of vital
importance that the
nations of the South Pacific region now come together to
create mechanisms to address the threats they face.
This paper examines
the notion of security cooperation as it exists in the South Pacific region. It
commences with a discussion of
the threats faced by Pacific Island nations, the
existing regional responses to those threats, and the ability of the
primary organisation to address security concerns. The paper then
examines a number of factors that not only give cause to fostering
security cooperation in the South Pacific, but that have also created unique
opportunities for the achievement of this goal.
Finally, it examines the form
regional security mechanisms might take, offering a critique of some elements of
a proposed regional
peacekeeping force. It argues firstly that factors such as a
change in direction by the region’s pre-eminent intergovernmental
grouping, changing notions of sovereignty and an altered security situation have
created an environment in which regional security
cooperation has a great chance
of success. Secondly, the paper argues that political and legal processes, based
on the Pacific Island
Forum’s Biketawa Declaration and on those that led
to Operation Helpem Fren in the Solomon Islands could provide a more flexible
and appropriate regional response than a regional peacekeeping
It has almost
become a fact of life that, since the end of the Cold War, the majority of the
world’s armed conflicts have
occurred within states. This is certainly
true of the South Pacific region, where internal conflicts have tended to be the
security concern.[3] Since the late 1970s for example, various
levels of internal conflict have occurred in Vanuatu, New Caledonia,
Fiji, Papua
New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.[4] In the year 2000, a report by the
Secretariat of the Pacific Islands Forum (Forsec)
identified ethnic differences,
land disputes, economic disparities, and a general lack of confidence in corrupt
or ineffective governments
as the main causes of conflict in the region.[5]
These four elements have led in some cases to what analysts are calling state
and at the very least have contributed to breakdowns in law and order,
and to declining education and health services and living
standards.[6] The
Forsec report also highlighted economic stagnation, environmental degradation
and food security issues as adding
to the overall decline in security across the
South Pacific.[7]
The nature of these threats has been such that they not
only have an impact on neighbouring states, but they have also raised fears
the security environment is amenable to the evolution of other threats. The
prevalence of weak states in the region for example,
has, according to Elsina
Wainwright of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, been ideal for the
growth of transnational crime,
money laundering, illegal immigration, arms
smuggling, drug trafficking, and of course, terrorism.[8] These issues have been
by both the region’s porous borders and the inability of
governments to control them, as well as the susceptibility of these
weakened states to well-funded criminal or terrorist
Despite the tensions
that have occurred in the South Pacific, regional leaders have nonetheless been
successful in creating institutions
to deal with a variety of issues. A number
of organisations deal with the environment, conservation and sustainability of
and the exploration of mineral resources. The Secretariat of the
Pacific Community (formerly the South Pacific Commission) is responsible
delivering development assistance. There are also programs in place that
encompass customs and immigration, law officers and
Chiefs of Police
conferences, and criminal intelligence. It is the Pacific Islands Forum, (PIF)
however, that is the primary regional
grouping. The Forum’s mandate
extends from regional trade and economic issues, to law enforcement and
security. It also has
observer status at the United Nations (UN) and the Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), thus representing the Pacific
community internationally. As a regional grouping, the PIF has generally been a
success, and has achieved a number of significant
accomplishments in its time.
However, one of the biggest criticisms of the organisation is that its ability
to provide any meaningful
assistance to states in need has been severely
hampered by both the reluctance of regional leaders to address contentious
and the lack of institutionalised arrangements within the organisation
itself.[10] Eric Shibuya, for example, has noted that ‘many
critics view
the Forum as an example of unrealised potential, of an organization of endless
(and useless) discussion, where talk
has replaced action as the measure of
effectiveness’.[11] While the Forum has been quite successful in giving
the island states
a voice internationally, and in dealing with a host of
economic issues, it has traditionally been loathe to deal with the internal
security problems of its member states. A fundamental aspect of this is the
desire to maintain a norm of non-intervention in the
affairs and sovereignty of
those members. In this respect, the PIF has been compared to the Association of
South East Asian Nations
(ASEAN) and particularly ASEAN’s preference for
‘perpetuating cosmetic unanimity’[12] over confronting the
primary security issues. As Stewart Firth has contended,
‘[l]ike ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum had consistently avoided
responding to the internal political and security problems of member
states.’[13] As the primary security problems of the Pacific
nations are internal, the reluctance of the PIF to address them has meant that
little has been achieved by way of creating
appropriate responsive
However, even if the PIF had been willing to discuss internal
security problems, a lack of formal mechanisms for dealing with such
issues has
only added to the Forum’s general inability to formulate proper responses.
The PIF itself acknowledged this as a
major concern. In their 1997 Aitutaki
Declaration on Regional Security Cooperation, Forum leaders conceded that
‘existing arrangements
have not provided explicit mechanisms to ...
respond promptly and effectively to requests for assistance.’[14]
Similarly, at
an August 2000 meeting brought together to address security
problems in Fiji and the Solomon Islands, the Prime Minister of Samoa,
Sailele Malielegaoi, stated that ‘existing Forum arrangements do not
prescribe a process for implementing a Forum
response to help in the kind of
crises that have occurred’, and that ‘the lack of such mechanisms
and specific measures
... accounted for much of the inability of the Forum ...
to react decisively or with more confidence.’[15] It therefore became
clear that in order for the PIF to meet the challenges faced by the Pacific
community, a change in direction was needed.
This change came in October
2000 with the adoption of the Biketawa Declaration. Mindful of the problems that
had hindered action in
the past, the Biketawa Declaration called for the PIF to
‘constructively address difficult and sensitive issues’, and
set out a number of guidelines that could inform regional responses to the
crises that might arise.[16] The signing of that
declaration was welcomed as a
major turning point in regional security cooperation. Australian Foreign
Minister Alexander Downer
for example, hailed the declaration as ‘a
milestone in Forum relations,’[17] while New Zealand Prime Minister Helen
believed that it would allow the PIF to evolve into a ‘significant
regional organization ... taking a step beyond talk, talk,
talk.’[18] The
PIF’s commitment to theBiketawa Declaration was reemphasised in 2002 by
the Nasonini Declaration on Regional
Security, itself espousing a need for
‘sustained regional action’ to respond to the current security
environment, particularly
in light of the events of September 11 2001.[19] More
recently, the PIF displayed a willingness to strengthen security ties in its
Auckland Declaration of April 2004. Like its predecessors, the Auckland
Declaration recognised the need for greater regional cooperation
and integration
because of the fast changing security environment. More significantly however,
it recalls a decision made by the
PIF at its 34th meeting to find a fresh
mandate and vision for the organisation, such that it can maintain its own
relevance and
allow it to provide strong leadership in an ever changing
world.[20] Together with Biketawa and Nasonini, the Auckland Declaration
represents a continuing trend towards the strengthening of regionalism in the
South Pacific in terms of security cooperation. The
PIF’s new direction is
significant in that it is essentially internally driven – the PIF members
have themselves acknowledged
the need for change, and have acted accordingly.
However, there are a number of other factors, some of which exist
as well as regionally, that have not only inspired this
re-evaluation, but that have created unique opportunities for its
There is growing change,
both within the Pacific and internationally, about the notion of sovereignty.
Traditionally, sovereignty
has been held up as a fundamental tenet of
international law – it is a right of states to control their own affairs
foreign interference. As such, states have generally refrained from
intervening in the internal problems of others. In the Pacific
region, this norm
of non-intervention was embodied in the so-called ‘Pacific Way’, a
doctrine that requires all decisions
to be made via consensus, and which has led
to the PIF’s reluctance to discuss issues that might infringe a member
rights as a sovereign entity. However, the PIF has become less
sensitive to concerns over sovereignty since the signing of the Biketawa
Declaration, although this document still recognises the continued importance of
sovereignty, stating that its guidelines should
be implemented ‘while
respecting the principle of non-interference’.[21] Notwithstanding this
important caveat however,
it is clear that the PIF has become more willing to
deal with issues that would otherwise be considered off-limits to open
This change has also been evident internationally. UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan has highlighted the dichotomy between the norm
non-intervention on one hand, and the dangers of inaction in terms of loss of
human life on the other.[22] The inability of the
international community to
deal with these competing issues he says, ‘can only be viewed as a
tragedy’.[23] A report
by the International Commission on Intervention and
State Sovereignty (ICISS) has also noted this as a problem, attempting to draw
balance between respecting sovereignty and saving lives.[24] The report
acknowledges that sovereignty remains an important issue
for states, but
concludes nonetheless that ‘the conditions under which sovereignty is
exercised – and intervention is
practised – have changed
dramatically since 1945.’[25] It also goes so far as to argue that states
have a responsibility
to intervene in circumstances where a particular
government is unable or unwilling to protect against various disasters occurring
within its own borders, and that this responsibility will prevail over the norm
of non-intervention in such instances.[26] The comments
of both the Secretary
General and the ICISS are indicative of the view that sovereignty, while still
an important feature of international
law is being modified such that the
international community is less reluctant to intervene in the internal affairs
of an individual
state where it is appropriate to do so. This has important
ramifications for the PIF and the Pacific region generally, as it is now
that traditional sensitivities to the sovereignty issue can be put aside, at
least as far as necessary, in order to effectively
address the internal issues
of member states.
A major cause of this change in thinking has been the
realisation that events in one country can have a dramatic impact on
states and on regions as a whole. It is no longer seen as
appropriate to ignore the problems faced by one state merely because they
internal to that state, particularly when the security of others might be
impaired as a result. The Australian government in
particular has become wary of
the fact that, in today’s environment, security interests are not confined
to national boundaries.[27]
The South Pacific has already seen the spread of
violence from one country to another. As Ellie Wainwright has noted,
Bougainville conflict of the 1990s spread into the Solomon Islands
across the porous PNG-Solomon Islands border in the form of refugees,
guns, and
a glorification of gun culture’.[28] The types of security threats faced
by the South Pacific, together with its
overall geography make it particularly
vulnerable to the spread of conflict throughout the region. The existence of
weak states and
political institutions, its open borders and relative remoteness
for example, make it susceptible totransnational crime, terrorism,
and to flows
of drugs, weapons, or refugees.[29]
The terrorist attacks in the United
States in 2001 and in Bali in 2002 have also had an impact on both the way these
“grey area” threats are viewed, and how they are dealt
with. The Nasonini Declaration for example, provides evidence
of the
region’s concern about the potential for the evolution of international
crime and terrorism, stating that regional leaders
‘expressed their
concern about the recent heightened threat to global and regional security
following the events of September
11th 2001.’[30] The perceived threat of
terrorism in the region has had a particular effect on Australia, with the
Howard government
undertaking a complete rethink of its policies towards the
Pacific region. Prior to September 11th, the Solomon Islands government
made a
number of appeals for help to Australia, none of which were answered. At the
time, the Australian government considered “home
grown” solutions to
be a more appropriate response than foreign intervention, and was probably
influenced in its decision making
by a fear that Australia would be viewed as a
neo-colonial power.[31] After September 11 and the Bali bombings however, the
of policy makers shifted to terrorism and the potential for failed states
to become targets of terrorist groups. For Australia, the
proximity of the
troubled Pacific Island nations to its own shores meant that it now had a vested
interest in helping to maintain
security in the region; its policy was now to
become increasingly engaged.[32] This attitude was also reflected within the
regional community, with ASEAN and Pacific nations making commitments to
the “war on terrorism”, or, at the very least,
making symbolic
statements on counter terrorism and proposing certain practical
However, a number of commentators have criticised fears of
a terrorist threat in the Pacific as being somewhat overblown.[34] Ian
citing the Solomon Islands as an example, stated that the threat of terrorism
was ‘profoundly unlikely in a small,
predominantly Christian country where
everyone knows exactly what their neighbour does, both in the city and in the
This type of criticism aside however, it is still clear
that Australian (and regional) policy makers have been affected by the global
focus on terrorism, and that this in turn has impacted on the extent to which
Australia has been willing to engage itself regionally
and internationally.
Significantly, Australia’s supportive role in the war on terrorism and its
position as a regional power
in the Pacific has meant that there is now, as
Wainwright contends, ‘an expectation internationally, regionally and
that Australia will assist in crises in its
neighbourhood.’[36] The view of Australia as a regional peacemaker found
support after the Australian led intervention in East Timor, and
this view was only strengthened by the changing global security
environment and
by Australia’s active role in the war on terrorism.[37] The cumulative
effect of each of these factors was
a greater level of engagement by Australia,
which has been welcomed, albeit cautiously, in domestic, international, and
circles.[38] Australia’s renewed engagement in the region will
provide more weight to any attempts to foster security cooperation,
as far as measured responses are concerned. It would deliver greater resources
in terms of economic aid, as well as
diplomatic and military resources, if
The first major product of the Howard Government’s change
in policy was the Australian led intervention in the Solomon Islands.
This was
the first time that Australia had intervened in one of its Pacific neighbours
with long term development assistance.[39]
Operation Helpem Fren, which later
became the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI),
represents not only the
Australian government’s policy shift, but is
arguably an ideal example of how security cooperation in the South Pacific can
be conducted. In the one year since the intervention commenced (the first
anniversary of the intervention passed on the 24th of July
2004) RAMSI has had
considerable success in restoring order to the Solomon Islands – over 3500
people have been arrested, close
to 4000 weapons have been collected and 400
troublesome police officers have been removed from their posts.[40]RAMSI’s
has now shifted to dealing with its longer term commitments, and while its
success here remains to be seen, the overall feeling appears
to be
The Solomon Islands intervention has been applauded not only
because of its success within the country, but also because of its success
as a
regional response. RAMSI’s Special Coordinator, Nick Warner for example,
has stated that ‘Operation Helpem Fren
has clearly proved the value of the
Biketawa Declaration’, and that ‘[t]he lessons learned and
experience gained from
Operation Helpem Fren stand the [Pacific Islands] Forum
in good stead to respond to any regional emergencies in the future.’[41]
This was also the view taken by the Australian government, with Foreign Minister
Downer arguing that the intervention was one that
the world, and particularly
the UN system, should emulate.[42] However, despite such endorsements of the
intervention, the Australian
government has been reluctant to toutHelpem Fren as
a “model” for future operations. This type of response is primarily
a result of an attempt by Australia to reassure it neighbours that greater
engagement on its part in the region will not lead to
Australian heavy
handedness or unilateralism. It is also an acknowledgement that Helpem Fren was
itself a fairly unique operation,
owing to the fact that it was invited by the
Solomon Islands government to intervene, and that it was predominantly a law and
as opposed to peacekeeping, operation. In this respect, it could be
argued that the uniqueness of the intervention itself might make
it an
inappropriate model for the future. As an Australian Senate committee has
warned, ‘policy planners will need to be alert
to the principles that
“no one size fits all”, that interventions must be designed to meet
the specific circumstances.’[43]
It is probably unlikely that the
circumstances that existed prior to the Solomon Islands intervention would arise
in other cases,
and as such, could not be applied to other
Notwithstanding these concerns however, it is arguable that the
Solomon Islands intervention can in fact provide a good example for
any future
actions, not so much from an operational point of view, for the reasons stated
above, but rather as an example of a regional
response to a regional problem. It
is the political processes that led to the intervention that are important in
terms of fostering
greater regional security cooperation. The confidence gained
from this experience can be built upon such that the ideals behind the
Nasonini, and Auckland Declarations are strengthened. The momentum provided by
RAMSI’s immediate successes, together
with the PIF’s change in
direction, the broader change in the international community’s attitudes
towards sovereignty
and intervention, and the current international security
environment would make it an ideal time to enhance security cooperation
in the
South Pacific region. There is no time like the present.
But what form would this security arrangement take? There
have been a number of calls for the creation of a regional peacekeeping
The idea for such a force was initially proposed by the former Prime Minister of
Papua New Guinea, Sir Julius Chan, but it
has never eventuated, despite being
sporadically raised as an issue from time to time.[44] In any event, a number of
criticisms have
been levelled at the whole notion of a regional peacekeeping
force in the South Pacific. The questions most often raised about such
proposal include who would pay for the force, who would command it, where it
would be based, how its use would be authorised, and
what its “peace
time” functions are.[45] Fergus Hanson has attempted to answer these
questions, and in fact has proposed
a peacekeeping force of sorts, which he
calls a ‘Pacific Peace Maintenance Group’
Hanson’s proposal requires a modest number of personnel
(approximately 300), that would be based in Darwin and that could act
as a
disaster relief group, an anti narcotics and arms smuggling group, or even a
replacement for the existing Pacific Patrol Boat
Project (PPBP) when not
involved in active peacekeeping service.[47] The primary advantages of such a
PPMG are, he argues, that the
permanent force could overcome the shortcomings of
ad hoc responses by being able to quickly respond to any crises that arise, and
may provide a realistic means for smaller Pacific states to defend themselves,
reducing the need for costly military or police forces.[48]
From an Australian
and New Zealand perspective, the PPMG would allow those two countries to avoid
neo-colonial criticisms in the
event of any intervention by providing a truly
multilateral solution to regional problems.[49]
However, while Hanson
does provide a number of useful suggestions regarding the creation of a PPMG,
his proposal does not adequately
address the criticisms that have been levelled
at the idea of a regional peacekeeping force. Hanson’s contention that
a force could be involved in policing and disaster relief while not on
‘active service’ for example, raises more questions
than it answers.
It is arguable that multiple functions would enhance the usefulness of a
regional force, however those multiple
functions also require different training
methods, as well as expertise from a variety of fields, including peacekeeping,
policing and disaster relief, to name a few. It therefore
raises questions about the makeup and proportions of the force in terms
military, police, and other civil components, as well as its ability to shift
from one function to another in a short space of
time. While many militaries
around the world are being reshaped to provide rapid responses in low level
conflicts, including through
involvement in non-military tasks such as policing
and humanitarian aid, the balance between civil and military functions is still
a debated issue for many countries.[50] This is something that would require
particular attention if Hanson’s PPMG were to
be used for a variety of
purposes when not on active duty.
Additionally, by replacing existing
mechanisms such as the PPBP, there is a risk that gaps could appear in regional
security responses,
particularly if the PPMG was actively engaged in a
peacekeeping operation, thereby focusing its resources in one area and not
The Forsec report on regional security has highlighted this as a major
problem, stating that ‘[i]t would be difficult to justify
a full-scale
preventive diplomacy structure in the region, as the need for it is likely to
fluctuate enormously – with nothing
to do most of the time, and more than
it could realistically cope with at others.’[51]
This problem
could be exacerbated if, as Hanson proposes, the PPMG led to a downsizing of
national armies because individual
states ‘could come to rely on [the
PPMG] to afford them protection in times of national crisis.’[52] An over
on any regional force to maintain security for individual states, even
if only in times of crisis, could stretch resources too far,
and could also
cause tension if the same resources were needed elsewhere for different
functions, or were relied upon by neighbouring
states. There is also a danger
that reliance on a regional force to maintain security could inhibit long term
solutions to certain
issues. It could, for example, create a high level of
dependency, notwithstanding the fact that Hanson’s proposal aims to use
the experience gained by personnel in the PPMG to further strengthen the
professionalism and capabilities of domestic police and
military forces.[53] In
only its first year of deployment, RAMSI has already noted this as a potential
problem, with evidence that
some elements of Solomon Islands society are of the
opinion that RAMSI is there to fix any and all problems the country faces.[54]
Were this attitude to spread to any large extent throughout the community, the
ability of RAMSI to fulfil its long term development
goals would be severely
undermined. In the case of Hanson’s PPMG, an over reliance by the island
states on regional security
forces to maintain stability would likely have the
same effect.
The case for a regional peacekeeping force does, however,
have a number of strong points. Foremost is the growing acknowledgement
regional organisations are in a better position to respond to regional threats
than international groupings, and the UN in particular.[55]
This view is often
linked to the reality that the UN is in many cases unable, due to lack of
resources, to maintain security in every
corner of the world. Additionally, the
UN’s ability to act has quite often been undermined by a lack of political
will in its
member states, particularly in the Security Council. Proposals for a
regional peacekeeping force have been put forward by African
nations because of
such issues, and the realisation that ‘nobody else will resolve
Africa’s problems but Africans themselves’.[56]
Similarly, for
regions such as the South Pacific, which is usually viewed as having limited
strategic value, the importance of creating
regional security mechanisms is
therefore vital.[57]
However, this does not necessarily translate into a
need for a regional peacekeeping force. While the arguments in favour of such
force are sound, for the South Pacific region, a fulltime regional force is
probably an unnecessarily rigid solution. What is needed
is a more flexible
model that provides legal and political processes that could lead to an
appropriate intervention force, if needed.
This would represent what the Forsec
report calls the “mini” version or a regional peacekeeping force
– that is,
legal and administrative arrangements to facilitate
peacekeeping.[58] In this respect, the Biketawa Declaration represents an
basis for the creation of a more robust regional security mechanism.
There are a number of reasons for this contention. Foremost
is the fact that
Biketawa has created a greater willingness within the PIF to actively address
the security issues of its member
states. As such, it allows the PIF, as the
region’s primary intergovernmental grouping, to take greater
responsibility in maintaining
security in the region. The PIF is in the best
position to formulate and authorise responses to regional crises,
the pre-eminence of the UN Security Council as the legal
authority for the maintenance of international peace and security. Indeed
support of the PIF was an essential element in the creation and success of the
intervention in the Solomon Islands.[59]
Secondly, the Biketawa
Declaration provides a number of guidelines for responding to regional crises.
While these guidelines are fairly
general in nature, they are nonetheless an
important first step in any regional response mechanisms. The PIF has already
a number of initiatives aimed at implementing the ideals behind the
declaration. These have included national security studies and
workshops, the
monitoring of regional political and security developments, a Forum Elections
Observer Mission to the Solomon Islands
(the first of its kind), and perhaps
more significantly, a Regional Security Fund to cover the costs of implementing
the declaration.[60]
At the time of writing, the PIF had just commenced its 35th
Forum Meeting at Samoa, with regional cooperation high on the agenda.
While this
was aimed primarily at economic integration and good governance, and the
implementation of the so-called ‘Pacific
Plan’ of economic
cooperation, it is evidence of the ability of the Forum to create concrete
mechanisms based only on general
principles and goals. The guidelines provided
by theBiketawa Declaration can, therefore, form the basis of regional security
representing the yardstick by which progress can be
Thirdly, the intervention in the Solomon Islands has already
been hailed as the Biketawa Declaration’s first success.[61] The
undertaken to bring together OperationHelpem Fren can be used to inform the PIF
on how to formulate stronger regional security
processes. These processes should
be integrated, together with the guidelines provided by the Declaration, to
create a more formalised
structure that would enable the PIF to respond to
security crises in a timely manner, while still leaving some flexibility in
of the composition of any regional response, including measured
interventions. The resultant legal and political processes would
confidence within the region for dealing with the threats that might arise, and
would also strengthen the PIF as a regional
Until recently, the PIF has been
reluctant to address the internal problems of its member states. This has proven
detrimental to the
formulation of regional security mechanisms to help states in
need, particularly because in the South Pacific region, internal conflicts
emerged as the most pressing security concerns. Notwithstanding the primarily
internal nature of these threats, their potential
to impact the region as a
whole have led to a much needed rethink of security cooperation in the region.
Despite the perception of
declining levels of security in the South Pacific, new
opportunities are emerging for the island nations and the PIF to formulate
regional responses to regional problems. The signing of the Biketawa Declaration
by the PIF represented a major first step
in this process, and together with
changing global attitudes towards intervention and sovereignty, converging
security interests
in the post September 11 world, and a greater level of
engagement by Australia, has created conditions that are favourable to achieving
a greater level of security cooperation. To date, the success of the Australian
led intervention in the Solomon Islands has provided
an example of the potential
for regional cooperation, and the processes that led to the intervention could
help inform the creation
of security mechanisms in the future. It is up to the
PIF to take this opportunity to act, thereby enhancing its position as the
important intergovernmental body in the region. It is the right time to act, and
that time is now.
[*] This is a revised
version of the second placed essay in the Journal of South Pacific Law student
essay competition.
[1] See, eg, Stewart Firth, ‘A Reflection on
South Pacific Regional Security, mid-2000 to mid-2001’ (2001) 36(3) The
of Pacific History 277; Tan See Seng, ‘Security Challenges in the
South Pacific and Australian Pre-emption Policy’ (2003)
Institute of
Defence and Strategic Studies Commentaries www.ntu.edu.sg/idss/perspective/research_050324.htm
at 17 July 2004 (hereinafter IDSS); and Benjamin Reilly, ‘The
Africanisation of the South Pacific’ (2000) 54 (3) Australian
Journal of
International Affairs 261, 261-263.
[2] See, eg, Fergus Hanson,
‘Promoting a pacific Pacific: A Functional Proposal for Regional Security
in the Pacific Islands’
(2003) 4 (1) Melbourne Journal of International
Law 254, 255.
[3] Benjamin Reilly, ‘Internal Conflict and Regional
Security in Asia and the Pacific’ (2002) 14 Pacifica Review 7.
See generally Roger C Thompson, Australia and the Pacific Islands in the 20th
Century (1998) 209-223; and Anthony J Regan and
RJ May, ‘Reassessing
Australia’s Role in Papua New Guinea and the Island Pacific’ in
James Cotton and John Ravenhill
(ed), The National Interest in a Global Era:
Australia in World Affairs 1996 -2000 (2001) 153-164.
[5] Ron Crocombe,
‘Enhancing Pacific Security’ (Paper presented at the Forum Regional
Committee (FRSC) meeting, Vanuatu,
13-15 July 2000) 6; and see generally Judith
Bennett, ‘Roots of Conflict in Solomon Islands Though Much is Taken, Much
Legacies of Tradition and Colonialism’ (Discussion Paper No
2002/5, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian
University, 2002); and Sinclair Dinnen, ‘Winners and Losers: Politics and
Disorder in the Solomon Islands 2000-2002’
(2002) 37(3) The Journal of
Pacific History 285, 285-298.
[6] Elsina Wainwright, ‘Responding to
state failure – the case of Australia and Solomon Islands’ (2003)
57(3) Australian
Journal of International Affairs 485.
[7] Crocombe,
above n 5, 7.
[8] Wainwright, above n 6, 486; and see also IDSS, above n
[9] Hanson, above n 2, 259.
[10] Ibid 255.
[11] Eric
Shibuya, ‘The Problems and Potential of the Pacific Islands Forum’
in Jim Rolfe (ed), The Asia-Pacific: A Region
in Transition (2004).
William T. Tow, Asia-Pacific Strategic Relations: Seeking Convergent Security
(2001) 145.
[13] Firth, above n 1, 278.
[14] PIF, Twenty Eighth
Pacific Islands Forum Communiqué Annex 2 (1997)
www.forumsec.org.fj/ At 1 July 2004 (Hereinafter
[15] Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, ‘Forum Foreign
Affairs Ministers Meeting Opening Statement’ (Speech delivered at the
Forum Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting, Suva, 10 August 2000) archives/pireport.org/archive/2000/august/08-11-UP3.htm
at 22 July 2004.
[16] PIF, Thirty First Pacific Islands Forum
Communiqué Attachment 1 (2000) www.forumsec.org.fj/ At 1 July 2004
Biketawa Declaration).
[17] Commonwealth of Australia
Parliament, Answers to questions by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Senate, 30
October 2000 (Alexander
Downer, Minister of Foreign Affairs).
[18] Rowan
Callick, Australia No Longer Cast In Pacific Cop Role (2000) Pacific Islands
Report <http://archives/pireport.org/archive/2000/October/10-31-06.htm>
22 July 2004.
[19] PIF, Thirty Third Pacific Islands Forum
Communiqué Annex 1 www.forumsec.org.fj/ at 1 July 2004 Hereinafter
Nasonini Declaration).
[20] PIF, The Auckland Declaration (2004) www.forumsec.org.fj/docs/gen_docs/Auckland_declarations.pdf
at 1 July 2004
[21] Biketawa Declaration, above, n 16.
[22] Kofi A
Annan, ‘Two Concepts of Sovereignty’ The Economist (USA), 18
September 1999; and see also John Sanderson,
‘The Changing Face of Peace
Operations: A View From the Field’ (2002) 55(2) Journal of International
Affairs 277.
[23] Annan, above n 22.
[24] International Commission
on Intervention and State Sovereignty (hereinafter ICISS), The Responsibility To
Protect (2001) www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/iciss-ciise/pdf/commission-report.pdf
at 3 July 2004.
[25] Ibid, 7.
[26] Ibid, XI.
[27] ABC
Online, ‘UN Development Body Supportive of Pacific Community Plan’,
AM, 13 August 2003 www.abc.net.au/am/content/2003/s923089.htm at 18
July 2004.
[28] Wainwright, above n 6, 488.
[29] See, eg, Reilly,
above n 3, 19; and ICISS, above n 24, 5.
[30] Nasonini Declaration,
above, n 19.
[31] Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee,
the Australian Senate, Australia’s Political Relations with Papua
Guinea and the Island States of the Southwest Pacific (2003) (Hereinafter Senate
[32] ABC Asia Pacific, ‘A Report Card for the Pacific:
2003’, Focus, 30 November 2003 abcasiapacific.com/focus/stories/s1000143.htm at
24 July 2004.
[33] Derek McDougall, ‘Asia-Pacific Security
Regionalism: The Impact of Post-1997 Developments’ (2002) 23(2)
Security Policy, 113, 130-131.
[34] See, eg, Jon Fraenkel,
‘Political Instability, “Failed States” and Regional
Intervention in the Pacific’
(Paper presented at the Redefining the
Pacific; Regionalism; Past, Present and Future Conference, Otago, 25th-28th June
[35] Ian Scales, ‘Seizing the Policy Initiatives for
Governance in Solomon Islands’ (Paper presented by the State, Society
Governance in Melanesia Project, Australian National University, Canberra, 25
August 2003) rspas.anu.edu.au/papers/melanesia/SI_update_03_scales.pdf at
12 Dec 2004.
[36] Wainwright, above n 6, 490.
[37] See generally
Alan Ryan, ‘Australian Perspectives on the Military Challenges Faced in
Post-Conflict Iraq, Modern Peacekeeping
and Coalition Operations’ (Paper
presented at the Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington D.C., 7 April 2003); and
David Dickens,
‘Can East Timor Be a Blueprint for Burden Sharing?’
(2002) 25(3) The Washington Quarterly 29, 34-38.
[38] See, eg, Senate
Committee, above n 31, 157-58; and Oxfam Community Aid Abroad, Australian
Intervention in the Solomons: Beyond
Operation Helpem Fren (2003) CAA
www.oxfam.org.au/world/pacific/solomons/report.pdf at 25 May
[39] Nick Warner, ‘Moving Forward in Partnership: RAMSI, One
Year On’ (Speech delivered at the Beyond Intervention Conference,
15 June 2004).
[40] Mary-Louise O’Callaghan, ‘Good Neighbour
Policy Pays Off’, The Weekend Australian (Australia), 24 July 2004,
[41] Nick Warner, ‘Operation Helpem Fren: Biketawa’s
First Success’ (Speech delivered at the Beyond Intervention
Honiara, 15 June 2004). www.dfat.gov.au/media/speeches/department/040617_security_committee_meeting.html
At 15 July 2004.
[42] AFP, ‘Australia hails Solomons intervention
as model for world’ quickstart.clari.net/qs_sc/webnews/wed/dp/Qaustralia-solomons.rk-c_dsn.html
at 24 July 2004.
[43] Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, The
Australian Senate, The (Not Quite) White Paper: Australia’s Foreign
and Trade Policy, Advancing the National Interest (2003).
Hanson, above n 2, 265.
[45] See, eg, Crocombe, above n 5, 21; and
Hanson, above n 2, 291-294.
[46] Hanson, above n 2, 273.
[48] Ibid, 295-297.
[49] Ibid, 295-296.
[50] See, eg,
Michael V. Bhatia, War and Intervention: Issues for Contemporary Peace
Operations (1st ed, 2003) 127-131.
[51] Crocombe, above n 5,
[52] Hanson, above n 2, 297.
[53] Ibid, 296-297.
See, eg, Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka, ‘Failed State and the War on Terror:
Intervention in Solomon Islands’ (2004)
72 Asia Pacific Issues www.eastwestcenter.org/stored/pdfs/api072.pdf at 12 June
2004">http://www.eastwestcenter.org/stored/pdfs/api072.pdf at 12 June
at 12 June
[55] See, eg, Satish Nambiar, ‘United Nations Peacekeeping
Operations: Problems and Prospects’ (Paper presented at international
seminar, New Delhi, 17th-19th March 1999) www.indianembassy.org/policy/peace_keeping/un_seminar_nambiar.htm
at 2 July 2004.
[56] Adekeye Adebajo and Michael O’Hanlon,
‘Africa: Toward a Rapid-Reaction Force’ (1997) 17(2) SAIS Review
[57] See, eg, Reilly, above n 3, 17.
[58] Crocombe,
above n 5, 22.
[59] See, eg, Wainwright above n 6, 491-492.
See, eg, PIF Thirty Fourth Pacific Islands Forum Communiqué (2003); and
PIF Thirty Third Pacific Islands Forum Communiqué
(2002) www.forumsec.org.fj11
August 2004.
[61] See, eg, Warner, above n 41.
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