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Fiji Islands - 2000 FLR Volume 2 - Cases Cited |
of the cases decided in
This volume may be cited as "(2000) 1 FLR"
Madam Justice Nazhat Shameem, High Court of Fiji
Mr. Chen Bunn Young, President Fiji Law Society
Published by: The Institute of Justice and Applied Legal Studies The University of the South Pacific, 2004
This reference is to the page where the case is first cited in each report)
A |
Ahhar Buses Ltd v Transport Control Board and Fiji Transport Co (1984] ABU 9/84 |
87 |
American Cynamid Co. v Ethicon (1975) 1 All ER 504 |
50 |
The Annot Lyle (1886) 11 PD, 114 |
121 |
Attorney-General v Dow (1994) (6) BCLR (Botswana) |
61 |
Attorney General v Emerson & Ors (1890) 24 QBD 56 |
121 |
Attorney-General of Hong Kong v Wai-bun [1994] 1 AC 1 |
39 |
A-G of the Duchy of Lancaster v London and NW Railway Co. [1892] 3 Ch. 274 |
22.84 |
A-G of Trinidad and Tobago &Anor v Lennox Phillip and Ors [1995] I AC 396 |
112 |
Atkins v Great Western Railway Co. (1886) 2 TLR 400 |
121 |
B |
Barker v Lavery 14 QBD 769 (CA) |
121 |
Bates v Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone (1972) 1 WL.R.1373 |
51 |
Bavadra v Attorney-General (1987] SPLR 95 |
87, 96 |
Bell v Director of Public Prosecution [1985] AC 937 |
40 |
Bhutto v Chief of the Army Staff and Anor. [1977] PLD SC. I |
1119 |
Bhutto v Chief of Staff Pakistan Army PLD (1977) SC 670 |
78 |
B.R. Kwon v Suva City Council (2000) 46 FLR 76 |
129 |
Brennan (1941) 28 Cr. App. R. 41 |
129 |
C |
Carroll v Tornado Ltd. (1971] RPC 401 |
124 |
Calcraft v Guest (1898] 1 QB |
74 |
Carlton Cranes Ltd v Consolidated Hotels Ltd [1988] 2 NZLR 555 |
70 |
Chic Fashions (West Wales) Ltd. v Jones (1968) 1 QB 299 |
36 |
Crystal Clear Video v A.G. and Commissioner of Police HBC 3311885 |
54 |
D |
D v NSPCC [1977] 1 ALL ER 599 |
71 |
Darrel Lea (Vic.) Pty. Limited. v Union Assurance Society of Australia Ltd. (1969] VR 401 |
85 |
Day v William Hill (Park Lane) Lintited) [1949] 1 KB 632 |
84 |
Dickason v University of Alberta [1992] 2 SCR |
14 |
Dorasammy Rao and others v. Mariappan Gounder and Others (unreported) High Court Civil Action No. HBU [1996] HBC308196 |
85 |
Drummond-Jackson v British Medical Association (1970) 1 WLR 688 |
22 |
Dunstan v Simmie & Co. Pty. Ltd. VR 669 |
85 |
E |
Ex parte Bucknell [1976] 56 CLR 221 |
85 |
F |
F. Hoffman - La Roche v Secretary of State (1974) 2 ALL E.R. 1128 |
55 |
Factortame Ltd. v Secretary of State (No. 2) (1991) 1 All ER 70 |
50 |
Factortame Ltd. v Secretary of State for Transport (1989) 2 All ER 692 |
55 |
G |
Ghani v Jones (1970) l QB 693 |
35 |
Gillick v West Norfolk Area Health Authority [1986] AC 112 |
100 |
Gouriet v Union of Post Office Workers [1978] AC 435 |
99 |
Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance of N.Z. v Stuart [1985] I NZLR 596 |
70 |
Guinness Peat Properties Ltd v Fitzroy Robinson (a firm) [1987] 2 All ER 716 |
71 |
Mitchell v. The Queen (1999) 1 WLR 1679 |
H |
Hari Prasad v NLTB Civil Action No. HBC 377/82 |
62 |
Harmony Shipping Co. SA v. Davis & Ors (1979] 3 All ER 177 |
74 |
Haroon Khan v State (1994) 40 FLR 182 |
16 |
Horsefield v Registrar of Motor Vehicles 118 CCC(3d) |
125 |
Hounslow L.S.C. v Twickenham G.D. Ltd. [1971] 1 Ch. 233 |
124 |
Hubbock v Wilkinson (1899] 1 QB 86 |
22 |
I |
In re Brianmore Manufacturing Ltd (in liq.) [1986] 1 WLR 1429 |
72 |
In Re Kim Industries Limited (No. 1) [2000] HBF0036197L |
117 |
J |
Jago v District Court (NSW) 168 Aust. Law Rev. 23 |
39 |
Jilani v Government of Punjab [1972] P.L.D. (S.C.) 139 |
119 |
Johnson v Zerbst (1983) 304 U.S 458 |
131 |
Johnston v Krakoroski (1965) 113 CLR 552 |
79 |
Josaia Vakacoko v Commissioner of Police HBC 145/98S |
8 |
Joseva Lui, Inoke Mata & Ilisoni Volitikoro v State AAU0005/97S |
130 |
K |
Kenning v Eve Construction Ltd [1989] 1 WLR 1189 |
71 |
Korponay v Attorney-General of Canada (1982) 1 SCR 41 |
131 |
Kelton Investments & Anor. v Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji & Anor [1995] ABU 0034/95 |
85 |
L |
Law v Llewellyn (1906) K.B 487 |
26 |
Lennox Phillip and Ors v DPP and Anor [1992] 1 AC 545 |
111 |
Lilly v Roney (1892) 61 IJQB 727 |
26 |
Lloyd v Mostyn (1842) 10 H & W 478 |
74 |
Lord Ashburton v Pape [1913] 2 ChD 469 |
71 |
Low v Earthquake & War Damage Commission (1959) NZ.L.R.1198 |
52 |
Lynotype-Hell Finance Limited v Baker [1992] 4 All ER 887 |
121 |
Lyons v Daily Telegraph [1943] 1 KB 746 |
26 |
M |
M & M Civil Engineering Pty. Ltd. v. SCTC (1987) 2 Qd R.401 |
49 |
Madzimbamuto v Lardner- Burke [1969] 1 AC 645 at 731E, [1968] 2 SA 284 |
108 |
Makenete v. Lekhanya 1199313 LRC 13 |
120 |
Manitoba Press v Martin (1892) 8 Manitoba R 50 |
26 |
Marika Lawanisavi v Kapieni ABU 49/98 |
11 |
Martin v Tauranoa District Court [1995] 2 NZLR 419 |
40 |
Merchant-Adventurers Ltd. v. M. Grew & Co. Ltd. [1971] 3 WLR 791 |
124 |
Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher [1989] AC 319 |
28. 61 |
Minister of Justice of Canada v Borowski [1981] 2 SCR 575 and[1989] 1 SCR 342 |
100 |
Martin v Tauranga District Court [1995] 2 NZLR 419 |
40 |
Minister of Slate for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Teoh (1995) 128 ALR 353 |
29 |
Mitchell & Others v. The Queen (1999) 1 WLR 1679 |
131 |
Mitchell & Others v Director of Public Prosecutions & Another [1986] LRC (Const.) 35 66. 78. 95, |
120 |
Moevao v Dept of Labour (1980) NZLR 464 |
41 |
Mokotso and Others v HM King Moshoeshoe 11 and Ors [1989] LRC (Const.) 24 |
94 |
Monk v Bartram [1891] I QB 346 |
121 |
N |
Nagle v Feilden [1966] 2 QB 633 |
99 |
Nationwide News Pty. Ltd. (t/a Centralian Advocate) v Bradshaw (1986) 41 NTR 1 |
85 |
Niemann v Electronic Industries Ltd. [1978] VR 451 |
85 |
Nirmala Wati v A Hussain & Co Limited 32 FLR 1 |
8 |
Nova Scotia Board of Censors v McNeill [1976] 2 SCR 265 |
100 |
O |
O'Reilly v Mackman (1982) 3 WL.R.1096 |
52 |
P |
Perry v Smith (1901) 27 VLR 6 |
85 |
Praveen Prakash Palani v FEA FCA Reps 97/271 |
14 |
Premier of Kwazulu-Natal & Ors v President of the Republic of South Africa & Ors Constitutional Court of South Africa case No. CCT 36/95 (unreported) |
110 |
R |
R v B 1 NZLR 385 |
39 |
R v Brydges (1990) 1 SCR 190 |
130 |
R. v Greater London Council Ex p. Blackburn [1976] 1 WLR 550 |
98 |
R v H M Treasury ex parte Smedley [1985] 1 QB 657 |
100 |
R v IRC ex parte National Federation of Self-employed and Small Business Ltd. [1981] AC 617 |
99 |
R v Mallinson (1992) 8 CR NZ 483 |
130 |
R v Morin (1992) 71 CCC (3d) 1 |
39 |
R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs; ex parte Rees-Mogg [1994] QB 552 (DC) |
100 |
R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ex parte World Development Movement Ltd. [1995] 1 WLR 386 |
100 |
R v Secretary of State for Transport ex p. Factortame Ltd (No.2) (Case 213189) [1991] 1 AC 603 H L |
115 |
R v Taylor (1993) 1 NZLR 647 |
130 |
R v Tornkins [1978] Crim LR 290 |
71 |
Re Attorney-General of Manitoba (1987) 38 DLR (4'° Ed) 321 |
135 |
Reddy Enterprises Ltd. v Governor of the Reserve Bank 37 FLR 73 |
135 |
Registration Officer of the Suva City Fijian Urban Constituency v James Michael Ah Koy [1994] ABU 23/92 |
123 |
Republic of Peru v Peruvian Guano Co. (1887) 36 Ch. D. 489 |
84 |
Rex v Whitaker (1914) 3 K.B. 1283 |
5 |
Reynolds v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (1985) QB 881 |
35 |
Richard Naidu v Attorney-General of Fiji [1999] AB00039/98S |
100 |
Robert Tweedle McCahill v R. FCA CrApp.No.96 of 1982 |
56 |
RJR-Macdonald Inc. v Attorney-General of Canada III DLR (4th 385) |
125 |
Rogerson v Law Society of the Northern Territory [1993188 NTR 1 |
85 |
S |
Sakal Papers Ltd v Union of India & Ors AIR 1962 SC 305 |
30 |
Sewing Machines Rentals v Wilson [1975] 3 All ER 553 |
122 |
Sivorosi Raikali v Attorney General NBC 95199 |
8 |
State v Felix Keith VUSnnitGkalau Crm Case HAC005196S |
40 |
State v HE President & Ors ex parte LLA Khan (2000) HBJ007100L |
117 |
State v Michael Desmond Benefield Cr. Action No. I of1988 |
39 |
State v Moo] Chand Lal (Crim. Case 3199 Lbsa |
130 |
State v Peniasi Kata HAC0009194L |
40 |
State v Zuma & Ors (1995) (4) BLLR 401 |
47 |
Sundarjee Bros Limited v Coulter (1987) 33 FLR 83 |
18 |
Suresh Charan v Bansraj ABU 42199 |
78 |
Suva City Council v Suva City Council Staff Association - JR 3189 |
13 |
T |
Thorson v A-G of Canada [1975] 1 SCR 138 |
100 |
Tuck v Southern Counties Deposit Bank (1889) 42 Ch.D. 471 |
121 |
U |
Uganda v Commissioner of Prisons Ex parte Matovu [1966] EA 514 |
93, 119 |
V |
Ved Prakash v NLTB HBC 409DI96 |
66, 78 |
Vilikesa Balecala v State Crim. App. No. HAA0062196 |
129 |
Von Moltke v Gillies (1948) 332 U.S 708, 723 |
131 |
W |
Webster v James Chapman & Co. [1989] 3 ALL ER 938 |
72 |
Wenlock v Malomy (1965) 1 WLR 1238 |
22 |
Wenlock v Maloney [1965] 2 All ER 831 |
84 |
Wilson v Church [1879] 12 Ch.D 454 |
125 |
Winchester Cigarette Machinery Limited v Payne & Anor |
(No. 2) (1993) TLR 647 |
121 |
X |
X v Attorney-General (1996) NZLR 623 |
10 |
Y |
Yousry 11 Cr. App. R. 13 |
71 |
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